• Kiebitz
    Der bedrohte Kiebitz Vanellus vanellus ist der "Wappenvogel" der Ala. Dieses Küken ist erst wenige Tage alt.
  • Kiebitz

    Die Ala hat zu ihrem 100-jährigen Bestehen 2009 mehrere Schutz- und Forschungsprojekte zugunsten des Kiebitzes unterstützt.

  • Tannenhäher

    Der Tannenhäher Nucifraga caryocatactes versteckt jedes Jahr mehrere 10'000 Arvennüsse als Wintervorrat – und findet die meisten wieder.

  • Bartmeise

    Die exotisch wirkende Bartmeise Panurus biarmicus ist die einzige Vertreterin ihrer Familie in Europa.

  • Turmfalke

    Der Turmfalke Falco tinnunculus ist der häufigste Falke in der Schweiz.

  • Haubentaucher

    Der Haubentaucher Podiceps cristatus ist bekannt für seine spektakulären Balzrituale.

  • Blaukehlchen

    Das hübsche Blaukehlchen Luscinia svecica ist in Europa mit mehreren Unterarten vertreten. Das weisssternige kommt in der Schweiz ausschliesslich als Durchzügler vor.

  • Graureiher

    Der Graureiher Ardea cinerea wurde früher als Fischfresser verfolgt und fast ausgerottet, mittlerweile hat sich der Bestand in der Schweiz erholt.


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Christen, W.
Veränderung des Brutvogelbestands auf einer ehemaligen Jungwald­fläche im Zeitraum von 35 Jahren.
Key words
(von 1994 bis 2006 vergeben)
Jungwaldfläche, Waldentwicklungsstufe, Waldsukzession, Artenzahl, Siedlungsdichte, Biomasse, Bestandsentwicklung, Brutvogelbestand
Columba palumbus, Dendrocopos major, Anthus trivialis, Troglodytes troglodytes, Prunella modularis, Erithacus rubecula, Turdus merula, Turdus philomelos, Turdus viscivorus, Sylvia borin, Sylvia atricapilla, Phylloscopus collybita, Phylloscopus trochilus, Regulus regulus, Regulus ignicapilla, Muscicapa striata, Cyanistes caeruleus, Parus major, Periparus ater, Lophophanes cristatus, Poecile palustris, Poecile montanus, Sitta europaea, Certhia familiaris, Certhia brachydactyla, Lanius collurio, Garrulus glandarius, Corvus corone corone, Fringilla coelebs, Serinus serinus, Carduelis chloris, Carduelis carduelis, Carduelis cannabina, Pyrrhula pyrrhula, Coccoth. coccothraustes, Emberiza citrinella
Ringeltaube, Buntspecht, Baumpieper, Zaunkönig, Heckenbraunelle, Rotkehlchen, Amsel, Singdrossel, Misteldrossel, Gartengrasmücke, Mönchsgrasmücke, Zilpzalp, Fitis, Wintergoldhähnchen, Sommergoldhähnchen, Grauschnäpper, Blaumeise , Kohlmeise , Tannenmeise, Haubenmeise, Sumpfmeise, Mönchsmeise, Kleiber , Waldbaumläufer, Gartenbaumläufer, Neuntöter , Eichelhäher, Rabenkrähe, Buchfink, Girlitz, Grünfink, Stieglitz, Bluthänfling, Gimpel, Kernbeisser, Goldammer
Leewald, Oberdorf, Solothurn, Schweiz
Changes in the population of breeding birds in a former young forest over a period of 35 years. – In a young forest of 11.4 ha at the southern slope of the Jura at Oberdorf (canton of Solothurn) at 620 m above sea level, the population of breeding birds was recorded for the first time in 1982. The survey was then repeated every 7 years until 2017. Due to the rapid growth of trees, forest development stages have changed considerably over the years. Initially, 92 % of the area was covered by young trees and thicket. Today, 73 % are trees with a diameter of 21 – 35 cm. A total of 36 bird species were found as breeding birds, of which 14 species were found in all six years in which a survey was done. In 1982, the density of breeding birds was highest with 125 pairs / 10 ha (27 species); density reached a minimum in 2003 with 78 pairs / 10 ha (22 species) and rose again to 124 pairs / 10 ha (26 species) in 2017. Due to the change in the forest caused by succession, there have been strong shifts in population numbers in some birds. The open land species Tree Pipit, Red-backed Shrike and Yellowhammer were no longer found from the second and third control year, respectively. Thrushes reached their maximum in 1996 with a share of 49 % of breeding pairs of all bird species and then decreased again. Sylvia warblers, leaf warblers and kinglets have decreased from an initial 35 % of all breeding pairs to 16 % by 2010. Titmice and finches have doubled their share. Initially, the share of long-distance migrants was 17 %, and in 2017 it was 1 %. Short-distance migrants reached a maximum of 48 % in 1989 and dropped to 22 % by 2017. There has been a steady increase in the number of resident birds, from 45 to 77 %. The total biomass of birds (excluding Common Wood Pigeon and Carrion Crow) was 6.7 kg / 10 ha in 1982, decreased until 2003 and reached its highest level in 2017 with 7.6 kg / 10 ha.
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