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Simon Birrer, Roman Graf, Simon Hohl, Lukas Jenni
Die Geschichte des Wauwilermooses und seiner Vogelwelt.
Key words
(von 1994 bis 2006 vergeben)
(von 1994 bis 2006 vergeben)
Gebietspflege, Aufwertung,
Numenius arquata, Gallinago gallinago, Acrocephalus palustris, Vanellus vanellus, Anas crecca, Cygnus olor, Alauda arvensis, Falco tinnunculus, Lanius collurio, Emberiza calandra, Coturnix coturnix, Saxicola rubicola, Emberiza schoeniclus, Lanius excubitor, Emberiza citronella, Aegithalos caudatus, Ficedula hypoleuca, Regulus ignicapilla, Regulus regulus, Garrulus glandarius, Turdus philomelos, Linaria cannabina, Serinus serinus, Luscinia megarhynchos, Buteo buteo, Accipiter nisus, Milvus milvus, Milvus migrans, Asio flammeus, Lanius senator, Upupa epops, Crex crex, Athene noctua, Anthus trivialis, Phasianus colchicus, Perdix perdix, Saxicola rubetra, Turdus pilaris, Streptopelia decaocto, Corvus frugilegus, Acrocephalus scirpaceus, Acrocephalus arundinaceus, Locustella luscinioides, Ixobrychus minutus, Rallus aquaticus, Locustella naevia, Ardea cinerea, Anser anser, Tachybaptus ruficollis, Alopochen aegyptiaca, Tadorna ferruginea, Netta rufina, Aythya fuligula, Phalacrocorax carbo, Ciconia ciconia, Alcedo atthis, Picus viridis, Columba oenas, Motacilla flava, Porzana porzana, Asio otus, Fulica atra, Anas platyrhynchos, Gallinula chloropus, Bubo bubo, Corvus corone
Grosser Brachvogel, Bekassine, Sumpfrohrsänger, Kiebitz, Krickente, Höckerschwan, Feldlerche, Turmfalke, Neuntöter, Grauammer, Wachtel, Schwarzkehlchen, Rohrammer, Raubwürger, Goldammer, Schwanzmeise, Trauerschnäpper, Sommergoldhähnchen, Wintergoldhähnchen, Eichelhäher, Singdrossel, Hänfling, Girlitz, Nachtigall, Mäusebussard, Sperber, Rotmilan, Schwarzmilan, Sumpfohreule, Rotkopfwürger, Wiedehopf, Wachtelkönig, Steinkauz, Baumpieper, Jagdfasan, Rebhuhn, Braunkehlchen, Wacholderdrossel, Türkentaube, Saatkrähe, Teichrohrsänger, Drosselrohrsänger, Rohrschwirl, Zwergdommel, Wasserralle, Feldschwirl, Graureiher, Graugans, Zwergtaucher, Nilgans, Rostgans, Kolbenente, Reiherente, Kormoran, Weissstorch, Eisvogel, Grünspecht, Hohltaube, Schafstelze, Tüpfelsumpfhuhn, Waldohreule, Blässhuhn, Stockente, Teichhuhn, Uhu, Rabenkrähe
Wauwilermoos, Mauensee, Hagimoos, Kanton Luzern
The history of the Wauwilermoos and its avifauna. The plain of Wauwil was originally characterised by extensive wetlands and two lakes. It was successively drained, the peat was extracted and today it is used intensively for agriculture. The Swiss Ornithological Institute has been committed to preserving remnants of the wetlands since the 1920s. This was achieved in 1926, when a reserve was set up, but this was sacrificed to the Wahlen plan (also called the «cultivation battle»)during the Second World War. In 1958, Alfred Schifferli succeeded in having a strip of only 3 hectares placed under protection. From 1970 onwards, the Wauwilermoos reserve was extended to 16 hectares. Numerous attempts were made to halt the silting of the ponds and their encroachment by reeds and bushes. Today there is a management concept that is implemented jointly by the Swiss Ornithological Institute, Pro Natura and the Canton of Lucerneʼs Agriculture and Forestry Department. Since the 1990s, the Swiss Ornithological Institute has been committed to the ecological enhancement of the entire plain of Wauwil, starting in 2002 as part of Switzerlandʼs first ecological connectivity project. As a result, the proportion of biodiversity promotion areas was increased from 7.9 to 10.5%, a third of which were of high ecological quality, and 43 ponds were created. The avifauna has changed considerably since 1900: typical species of wet meadows and extensively used agricultural lands have disappeared, species of woodland and birds of prey have increased and some wetland species have been added. Thanks to the measures taken as part of the connectivity project, some species in the cultivated landscape increased, but the Eurasian Skylark continued to decline. The Wauwilermoos and the entire plain of Wauwil are still of outstanding ecological importance today and are listed in several inventories. As various threats are currently emerging, it is important to maintain the protected areas in a targeted manner, but especially to take measures to the enhancement of the entire plain in order to continue the positive developments to date.
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