• Kiebitz
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  • Kiebitz

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  • Tannenhäher

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  • Bartmeise

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  • Turmfalke

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  • Haubentaucher

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  • Blaukehlchen

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  • Graureiher

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Hansruedi Wildermuth
Ökologische Infrastruktur am Beispiel Libellen (Odonata) im südlichen Kanton Zürich.
Key words
(von 1994 bis 2006 vergeben)
Ökologische Infrastruktur, Libellen, Lebensraumaufwertung
Bubikon, Rüti, Egelsee, Kanton Zürich
Ecological infrastructure using the example of dragonflies (Odonata) in two municipalities of the canton of Zurich (Switzerland). – The demand of governmental and private nature conservation bodies for a nationwide Ecological Infrastructure – a network of natural and semi-natural habitats – is a consequence of the ongoing biodiversity crisis. These demands are always general recommendations, but they must be implemented individually for each specific case. What this means is presented here using the example of the dragonfly fauna of a 4 square kilometre section of landscape in the canton of Zurich. In this area, intensively used agricultural land takes up more than half of the area. The remaining area consists of forests, settlements, farmsteads, recreational facilities, fens, a small lake, two reservoirs and some small water bodies. The linear landscape elements are dominated by forest edges. In addition, there are paths and roads, streams and ditches, hedgerows and creeks, and a disused railroad line with embankments and terrain cuts. There are 3400 records available for the dragonfly fauna of the area, from 14 aquatic and 11 terrestrial habitats from the period between 1995 and 2023. A total of 47 species have been identified, 38 of which are certain or likely to reproduce. Using three dragonfly species as examples, the specific developmental waters and the associated terrestrial habitats are mapped. In terms of biodiversity in general and suitability for the dragonfly fauna in particular, all typical landscape elements of the rural parts of the Swiss Plateau are represented in the studied area. Near-natural areas make up only a small part, except for the fens. Based on the results, measures are proposed to enhance the existing ecological infrastructure, serving not only dragonflies but also other groups of regional biodiversity. Concrete proposals include, for example, the preservation, expansion and linking of protected areas, the creation of new groups of ponds and the damming of moorland ditches. Particularly important is the professional biotope maintenance such as the spatio-temporal staggered maintenance of wet and dry meadows, pond groups, stream courses and hedges. To achieve the goal of an expanded ecological infrastructure, public acceptance and the cooperation of all stakeholders are required.
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