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Müller, C. & B. Volet
Seltene und bemerkenswerte Brut- und Gastvögel und andere ornithologische Ereignisse 2012 in der Schweiz.
Key words
(von 1994 bis 2006 vergeben)
(von 1994 bis 2006 vergeben)
Brutnachweis, Invasion, Seltenheitsbeobachtung, Witterung
Aix galericulata, Alopochen aegyptiaca, Anas clypeata, Anas crecca, Anas strepera, Anser anser, Anthus campestris, Apus pallidus, Ardea purpurea, Asio flammeus, Aythya ferina, Aythya fuligula, Bombycilla garrulus, Branta canadensis, Burhinus oedicnemus, Buteo buteo, Calandrella brachydactyla, Carpodacus erythrinus, Cecropis daurica, Charadrius alexandrinus, Charadrius morinellus, Ciconia ciconia, Ciconia nigra, Circaetus gallicus, Circus aeruginosus, Crex crex, Cygnus cygnus, Dendrocopos leucotos, Egretta garzetta, Ficedula albicollis, Ficedula parva, Gallinago gallinago, Gavia stellata, Gelochelidon nilotica, Grus grus, Gypaetus barbatus, Lanius senator, Larus canus, Larus fuscus, Larus marinus, Larus melanocephalus, Larus michahellis, Larus ridibundus, Luscinia svecica cyanecula, Luscinia svecica svecica, Melanitta fusca, Mergellus albellus, Merops apiaster, Milvus migrans, Milvus milvus, Monticola solitarius, Motacilla citreola, Netta rufina, Numenius arquata, Nytcicorax nycticorax, Otus scops, Pandion haliaetus, Panurus biarmicus, Parus ater, Parus caeruleus, Parus major, Perdix perdix, Phalacrocorax carbo, Platalea leucorodia, Plectrophenax nivalis, Pluvialis apricaria, Porzana parva, Porzana porzana, Porzana pusilla, Pyrrhula pyrrhula, Rissa tridactyla, Somateria mollissima, Stercorarius longicaudus, Stercorarius parasiticus, Stercorarius pomarinus, Sterna hirundo, Sternula albifrons, Sylvia nisoria, Tadorna ferruginea, Tadorna tadorna, Tringa stagnatilis
Bartgeier, Bartmeise, Bekassine, Bienenfresser, Blaumeise, Blaumerle, Brachpieper, Brandgans, Dreizehenmöwe, Eiderente, Fahlsegler, Falkenraubmöwe, Fischadler, Flussseeschwalbe, Gimpel, Goldregenpfeifern, Graugans, Grosser Brachvogel, Halsbandschnäpper, Heringsmöwe, Kanadagans, Karmingimpel, Kleines Sumpfhuhn, Kohlmeise, Kolbenente, Kormoran, Kranich, Krickente, Kurzzehenlerche, Lachmöwe, Lachseeschwalbe, Löffelente, Löffler, Mandarinente, Mantelmöwe, Mäusebussarden, Mittelmeermöwe, Mornellregenpfeifer, Nachtreiher, Nilgans, Purpurreiher, Rebhuhn, Reiherente, Rohrweihe, Rostgans, Rötelschwalbe, Rotkopfwürger, Rotmilan, Rotsterniges Blaukehlchen, Samtente, Schlangenadler, Schmarotzerraubmöwe, Schnatterente, Schneeammer, Schwarzkopfmöwe, Schwarzmilan, Schwarzstorch, Seeregenpfeifer, Seidenreiher, Seidenschwanz, Singschwan, Spatelraubmöwe, Sperbergrasmücke, Sterntaucher, Sturmmöwe, Sumpfohreule, Tafelente, Tannenmeise, Teichwasserläufer, Triel, Tüpfelsumpfhuhn, Wachtelkönig, Weissrückenspecht, Weisssterniges Blaukehlchen, Weissstorch, Zitronenstelze, Zwergohreule, Zwergsäger, Zwergschnäpper, Zwergseeschwalbe, Zwergsumpfhuhn
Rare and unusual records of breeding, migrating and wintering bird species in Switzerland, 2012. The highlight of the year was the first breeding record of the Short-toed Eagle Circaetus gallicus. The Canada Goose Branta canadensis also bred for the first time, the Citrine Wagtail Motacilla citreola for the 2nd time and the Eurasian Dotterel Charadrius morinellus for the 3rd time. Other rare breeding records were noted for the Eurasian Teal Anas crecca, the Northern Shoveler Anas clypeata and the Black-crowned Night Heron Nycticorax nycticorax. The Eurasian Scops Owl Otus scops bred outside the Alps for the first time since 1988, at two different locations. During summer, two Whooper Swans Cygnus cygnus were seen in the Jura and one of them stayed there until February 2013: both date and location are remarkable. The migration intensity was exceptionally high during the autumn for many species such as Red Kites Milvus milvus, Common Buzzards Buteo buteo, Common Cranes Grus grus, Coal Tits Parus ater, Blue Tits P. caeruleus and Great Tits P. major.
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