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Hölzinger, J.
Bruten der Mehlschwalbe Delichon urbicum auf einem Fährschiff zwischen Poros (Kefalonia) und Killini (Peloponnes, Griechenland) mit Bemerkungen zu weiteren Bruten auf Schiffen in Europa.
Key words
(von 1994 bis 2006 vergeben)
(von 1994 bis 2006 vergeben)
Nester auf Schiffen, Nestbau, Bruterfolg, Fütterungsleistung
Delichon urbicum
Ionisches Meer, Killini, Poros, Griechenland
Common House Martin Delichon urbicum breeding on a ferry between Poros (Kefalonia) and Kyllini (Peloponnese, Greece) with comments on further broods on ships in Europe. On 1 June 2001 six Common House Martin nests, four of them containing chicks, were found on the «Ionis» ferry, which crosses the Ionian Sea between Poros on Kefalonia and Kyllini on the Peloponnese Peninsula (Fig. 2). Adult birds followed the ship and fed the chicks in all occupied nests between two and four times during the 45 km long trip that lasted 80 minutes. In spring and summer 2001 the ferry made four trips a day. During the night and until 10.30 a.m. the ship was moored in its home port of Kyllini. House Martin nests on board ships are an exception. Overall nine broods of House Martins on ships in Europe have been documented (Table 1, Fig. 3). Ship broods took place on ferries with a fixed route. The nests were all sheltered from the wind and placed under a roof and therefore protected from rain. The length of the ferry routes with House Martin nests varied from 0.5–120 km, whereby the adult birds only followed the ships and fed the young in three instances – over routes from 5 and 6 km in length as well as the 45 km long ferry route in Greece. The fact that the adult birds followed the ship over this 45 km route is new. It was established that feeding of the chicks during the ferry operation, that takes up a total of six hours daily, accounts for at most a fifth of the feeding performance of «normal» broods. In comparison with the ferry operation, the ships remain in harbour for a rest period of nine hours. The markedly reduced feeding performance during ferry operation was probably compensated for by feeding during the longer rest periods when the ship was in harbour.
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