• Kiebitz
    Der bedrohte Kiebitz Vanellus vanellus ist der "Wappenvogel" der Ala. Dieses Küken ist erst wenige Tage alt.
  • Kiebitz

    Die Ala hat zu ihrem 100-jährigen Bestehen 2009 mehrere Schutz- und Forschungsprojekte zugunsten des Kiebitzes unterstützt.

  • Tannenhäher

    Der Tannenhäher Nucifraga caryocatactes versteckt jedes Jahr mehrere 10'000 Arvennüsse als Wintervorrat – und findet die meisten wieder.

  • Bartmeise

    Die exotisch wirkende Bartmeise Panurus biarmicus ist die einzige Vertreterin ihrer Familie in Europa.

  • Turmfalke

    Der Turmfalke Falco tinnunculus ist der häufigste Falke in der Schweiz.

  • Haubentaucher

    Der Haubentaucher Podiceps cristatus ist bekannt für seine spektakulären Balzrituale.

  • Blaukehlchen

    Das hübsche Blaukehlchen Luscinia svecica ist in Europa mit mehreren Unterarten vertreten. Das weisssternige kommt in der Schweiz ausschliesslich als Durchzügler vor.

  • Graureiher

    Der Graureiher Ardea cinerea wurde früher als Fischfresser verfolgt und fast ausgerottet, mittlerweile hat sich der Bestand in der Schweiz erholt.


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Wassmer, S. & C. Haag
Seltene Vogelarten und ungewöhnliche Vogelbeobachtungen in der Schweiz im Jahre 2010. 20. Bericht der Schweizerischen Avifaunistischen Kommission.
Key words
(von 1994 bis 2006 vergeben)
Artenliste, Brutnachweis, Erstnachweis, Gefangenschaftsflüchtling, Hybriden, Revision, Seltenheitsbeobachtung
Cygnus columbianus, Branta bernicla, Gavia immer, Ixobrychus minutus, Phoenicopterus roseus, Elanus caeruleus, Haliaeetus albicilla, Gyps fulvus, Circaetus gallicus, Circus macrourus, Buteo rufinus, Buteo lagopus, Aquila pomarina, Aquila clanga oder A. pomarina, Aquila pennata, Aquila fasciata, Falco naumanni, Porzana parva, Calidris melanotos, Limicola falcinellus, Gallinago media, Tringa totanus, Tringa glareola, Phalaropus lobatus, Phalaropus fulicarius, Phalaropus sp., Stercorarius pomarinus, Stercorarius parasiticus, Stercorarius longicaudus, Raubmöwe Stercorarius sp., Larus audouinii, Larus cachinnans, Larus marinus, Sterna hirundo, Sterna paradisaea, Chlidonias hybrida, Chlidonias leucopterus, Clamator glandarius, Otus scops, Apus pallidus, Coracias garrulus, Picus canus, Dendrocopos leucotos, Melanocorypha calandra, Calandrella brachydactyla, Galerida cristata, Cecropis daurica, Anthus richardi, Anthus campestris, Motacilla flava, Motacilla citreola, Motacilla alba, Luscinia svecica svecica, Luscinia svecica cyanecula, Saxicola rubetra, Oenanthe hispanica, Turdus torquatus, Acrocephalus paludicola, Acrocephalus schoenobaenus, Sylvia nisoria, Sylvia communis, Sylvia cantillans, Sylvia melanocephala, Phylloscopus trochiloides, Phylloscopus,
Zwergschwan, Ringelgans, Eistaucher, Zwergdommel, Rosaflamingo, Gleitaar, Seeadler, Gänsegeier, Schlangenadler, Steppenweihe, Adlerbussard, Raufussbussard, Schreiadler, Schell- oder Schreiadler, Zwergadler, Habichtsadler, Rötelfalke, Kleines Sumpfhuhn, Graubruststrandläufer, Sumpfläufer, Doppelschnepfe, Rotschenkel, Bruchwasserläufer, Odinshühnchen, Thorshühnchen, Unbestimmter Wassertreter, Spatelraubmöwe, Schmarotzerraubmöwe, Falkenraubmöwe, Unbestimmte Raubmöwe, Korallenmöwe, Steppenmöwe, Mantelmöwe, Flussseeschwalbe, Küstenseeschwalbe, Weissbartseeschwalbe, Weissflügelseeschwalbe, Häherkuckuck, Zwergohreule, Fahlsegler, Blauracke, Grauspecht, Weissrückenspecht, Kalanderlerche, Kurzzehenlerche, Haubenlerche, Rötelschwalbe, Spornpieper, Brachpieper, Schafstelze, Zitronenstelze, Bachstelze, Rotsterniges Blaukehlchen, Weisssterniges Blaukehlchen, Braunkehlchen, Mittelmeersteinschmätzer, Ringdrossel, Seggenrohrsänger, Schilfrohrsänger, Sperbergrasmücke, Dorngrasmücke, Weissbartgrasmücke, Samtkopfgrasmücke, Grünlaubsänger, Goldhähnchenlaubsänger, Gelbbrauenlaubsänger, Gelbbrauen- oder Tienschanlaubsänger, Zilpzalp, Iberienzilpzalp, Grauschnäpper, Zwergschnäpper, Halsbandschnäpper, Schwanzmeise, Pirol, Schwarzstirnwürger, Karmingimpel, Singammer, Spornammer, Schneeammer, Fichtenammer, Zwergammer, Kappenammer, Schwarzkopfruderente, Mönchsgeier, Kleine Bergente, Rosapelikan, Krauskopfpelikan, Heiliger Ibis
Rare birds ans unusual observations in Switzerland in 2010. – In 2010, the Swiss Rarities Committee examined 421 reports of a total of 105 species, 308 (73 %) of which were accepted and 33 of which refer to past years. The highlights of 2010 included no less than five first records for Switzerland: Bonelli's Eagle Aquila fasciata (first and second record), Greenish Warbler Phylloscopus trochiloides, Pallas's Leaf Warbler P. proregulus, Iberian Chiffchaff P. ibericus, and Song Sparrow Melospiza melodia, the latter representing the first record of a Nearctic passerine in Switzerland. An additional first record, a Dalmatian Pelican Pelecanus crispus, was placed in category D. Late autumn 2010 saw the onset of an invasion of Long-tailed Bushtits of the white-headed northern subspecies Aegithalos c. caudatus, which had not previously been recorded with certainty in Switzerland. The beginning of the winter 2010/11 was cold and brought high quantities of snow, especially in Northern Europe and the northern parts of Central Europe. These extraordinary meteorological conditions were the likely cause of what was going to develop into the second-largest influx of Roughlegs Buteo lagopus into our country (mainly in 2011), as well as to the strongest influx of swans and geese in recent years. Unusual date records included the first winter record of a Wood Sandpiper Tringa glareola and the earliest recorded dates for Little Bittern Ixobrychus minutus, Eurasian Scops Owl Otus scops, Whinchat Saxicola rubetra, Sedge Warbler Acrocephalus schoenobaenus and Eurasian Golden Oriole Oriolus oriolus. For the first time, a prolonged stay of a Long-legged Buzzard Buteo rufinus was observed, concerning one individual that spent at least two weeks in the Alps hunting marmots Marmota marmota. A Chiffchaff of the subspecies Phylloscopus collybita tristis was only the second confirmed record of this form in Switzerland. Other highlights of 2010 included all-time high numbers of Booted Eagle Aquila pennata and Lapland Bunting Calcarius lapponicus with 8 and 4 records, respectively, as well as the 7th and 8th record of Lesser Spotted Eagle Aquila pomarina, the 8th and 9th record of Black-shouldered Kite Elanus caeruleus, the 6th and 7th record of Audouin's Gull Larus audouinii (both in alpine valleys), and the 6th record of Pine Bunting Emberiza leucocephalos. A Great Spotted Cuckoo Clamator glandarius was only the third individual since 1992 (the 10th overall), and two Crested Larks Galerida cristata represented only the 4th and 5th record since 1992 of this former breeding species. At the end of 2010, the Swiss list comprised 404 species in categories A, B (birds of wild origin) and C (introduced species), 396 of which have been recorded since 1900. Ten species of uncertain origin remain in category D (doubtful origin). In the text, the three figures after the German and scientific names refer to the number of records/individuals, 1900–1991, 1992–2009 and in 2010, respectively. The species are listed in taxonomic order, and within species records are listed in alphabetic order of cantons and by date. Detailed information is given as follows: location, date(s), number of individuals (one individual if not specified), age and sex if known, available documentation (photographs, video, skins) and in brackets the name(s) of the observer(s).
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