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Schweizer, M. & M. Thoma
Seltene Vogelarten und ungewöhnliche Vogelbeobachtungen in der Schweiz im Jahre 2008. 18. Bericht der Schweizerischen Avifaunistischen Kommission.
Key words
(von 1994 bis 2006 vergeben)
(von 1994 bis 2006 vergeben)
Artenliste, Brutnachweis, Erstnachweis, Gefangenschaftsflüchtling, Hybriden, Revision, Seltenheitsbeobachtung
Acrocephalus melanopogon, Acrocephalus paludicola, Aegypius monachus, Aquila clanga, Aquila pomarina, Ardeola ralloides, Athene noctua, Aythya affinis, Aythya collaris, Aythya marila, Botaurus stellaris, Branta bernicla, Branta leucopsis, Bucephala albeola, Buteo lagopus, Calidris maritima, Calidris melanotos, Cettia cetti, Charadrius dubius, Chlidonias hybrida, Chlidonias leucopterus, Circaetus gallicus, Circus macrourus, Cisticola juncidis, Coracias garrulus, Dendrocopos leucotos, Elanus caeruleus, Eremophila alpestris, Falco naumanni, Falco subbuteo, Ficedula albicollis, Ficedula parva, Gallinago media, Gavia immer, Glareola pratincola, Gyps fulvus, Haliaeetus albicilla, Hieraaetus pennatus, Hirundo daurica, Lanius minor, Larus cachinnans, Larus genei, Larus marinus, Larus sabini, Luscinia luscinia, Luscinia svecica svecica, Melanocorypha calandra, Merops apiaster, Motacilla alba yarrellii, Motacilla citreola, Motacilla flava feldegg, Motacilla flava flavissima, Motacilla flava iberiae, Motacilla flava lutea, Otus scops, Oxyura jamaicensis, Parus montanus, Pelecanus onocrotalus, Pernis apivorus, Phalaropus fulicarius, Phylloscopus collybita, Phylloscopus inornatus, Phylloscopus trochilus, Plectrophenax nivalis, Porzana parva, Porzana pusilla, Stercorarius longicaudus, Stercorarius parasiticus, Stercorarius pomarinus, Stercorarius skua, Stercorarius sp., Sterna nilotica, Sterna paradisaea, Sturnus roseus, Sylvia cantillans, Sylvia conspicillata, Sylvia melanocephala, Sylvia nisoria, Tringa erythropus, Tringa stagnatilis, Turdus torquatus
Mariskensänger, Seggenrohrsänger, Mönchsgeier, Schelladler, Schreiadler, Rallenreiher, Steinkauz, Kleine Bergente, Ringschnabelente, Bergente, Rohrdommel, Ringelgans, Weisswangengans, Büffelkopfente, Raufussbussard, Meerstrandläufer, Graubruststrandläufer, Seidensänger, Flussregenpfeifer, Weissbartseeschwalbe, Weissflügelseeschwalbe, Schlangenadler, Steppenweihe, Cistensänger, Blauracke, Weissrückenspecht, Gleitaar, Ohrenlerche, Rötelfalke, Baumfalke, Halsbandschnäpper, Zwergschnäpper, Doppelschnepfe, Eistaucher, Rotflügelbrachschwalbe, Gänsegeier, Seeadler, Zwergadler, Rötelschwalbe, Schwarzstirnwürger, Steppenmöwe, Dünnschnabelmöwe, Mantelmöwe, Schwalbenmöwe, Sprosser, Rotsterniges Blaukehlchen, Kalanderlerche, Bienenfresser, Trauerbachstelze, Zitronenstelze, Maskenstelze, Englische Schafstelze, Iberische Schafstelze, Gelbköpfige Schafstelze, Zwergohreule, Schwarzkopfruderente, Mönchsmeise, Rosapelikan, Wespenbussard, Thorshühnchen, Zilpzalp, Gelbbrauenlaubsänger, Fitis, Schneeammer, Kleines Sumpfhuhn, Zwergsumpfhuhn, Falkenraubmöwe, Schmarotzerraubmöwe, Spatelraubmöwe, Skua, Unbestimmte Raubmöwe, Lachseeschwalbe, Küstenseeschwalbe, Rosenstar, Weissbartgrasmücke, Brillengrasmücke, Samtkopfgrasmücke, Sperbergrasmücke, Dunkler Wasserläufer, Teichwasserläufer, Ringdrossel
Rare birds and unusual observations in Switzerland in 2008. In 2008 the Swiss Rarities Committee examined 298 reports of a total of 99 species, 223 (75 %) of which were accepted and 38 of which refer to past years. The highlight of 2008 was certainly the arrival of Spectacled Warblers Sylvia conspicillata including the third breeding record and the observations of four additional males. Also remarkable are the first long-staying Black-shouldered Kite Elanus caeruleus (5th record), three Purple Sandpipers Calidris maritima (8th to 10th record), four Yellow-browed Warblers Phylloscopus inornatus (10th to 13th record), the second-largest arrival of Calandra Larks Melanocorypha calandra with seven records of eight individuals as well as the earliest observation ever of Eurasian Hobby Falco subbuteo and European Bee-eater Merops apiaster.
No new species were added to the Swiss list, which at the end of 2008 comprised 398 species in categories A, B (birds of wild origin) and C (introduced species), 390 of which have been recorded since 1900. Nine species of uncertain origin remain in category D (doubtful origin). In the text, the three figures after the German and scientific names refer to the number of records/individuals, 1900–1991, 1992–2007 and in 2008, respectively. The species are listed systematically, and within species records are listed in alphabetic order of cantons and by date. Detailed information is given as follows: location, date(s), number of individuals (one individual if not specified), age and sex if known, available documentation (photographs, video, skins) and in brackets the name(s) of the observer(s).
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