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Bruderer, B. & H. Bruderer
Der Neuntöter Lanius collurio im Winterquartier.
Key words
(von 1994 bis 2006 vergeben)
(von 1994 bis 2006 vergeben)
Unterart, Mauser, Geschlechtsbestimmung, Lebensraum, Habitatwahl, Savannen, Verbreitung, Bestandesdichte, Geschlechterverhältnis, Phänologie, Durchzug, Zeitbudget, Aktivität, Nahrungssuche, Jagdverhalten, Wartenjäger, Ansitzverhalten, Nischenaufteilung, interspezifische Konkurrenz, Konkurrenzvermeidung, Interaktionen, Dendrogramm
Lanius collurio, Lanius collaris, Lanius minor, Melaenornis mariquensis, Dryoscopus cubla, Malaconotus blanchoti, Prionops plumatus, Nilaus afer, Tchagra senegala, Malaconotus sulfureopectus, Eurocephalus anguitimens, Laniarius ferrugineus, Tchagra australis, Laniarius atrococcineus, Corvinella melanoleuca, Dicrurus adsimilis
Neuntöter, Fiskalwürger, Schwarzstirnwürger, Maricoschnäpper, Scheeballwürger, Graukopfwürger, Brillenwürger, Brubru, Senegaltschagra, Orangewürger, Weissscheitelwürger, Flötenwürger, Damaratschagra, Rotbauchwürger, Elsterwürger, Trauerdrongo
Südafrika, Nordprovinz, Nord-Transvaal, Kalahari, Mosambik, Simbabwe, Namibia, Botswana
The Red-backed Shrike Lanius collurio in its winter quarter. This is a survey of data collected during a study in 1989/90 in the Republic of South Africa. Previously published topics are summarized, and new data presented. We show that discriminating subspecies in the non-breeding area is hardly possible, and we provide data on flight-feather moult during the non-breeding season. The species' main distribution coincides with the Savanna Biome; within this, the semi-arid parts are preferred. Densities in various habitats indicate that low scrub is preferred to taller bushes and trees, open bush to dense woodland or open grassland. Favourable areas in dry savannas allow densities of 35–65 birds/100 ha, while we found 10–30 birds/100 ha in mixed savannas; ten-times lower densities are reported from the Burkea-tree-savanna. Four reasons for apparent differences in the densities of males and females are suggested: (1) geographic segregation, (2) conspicuous behaviour of males, (3) different habitat preferences, (4) displacement of females to suboptimal habitats. We describe the seasonal course of arrival, residence, and departure. The time budget and daily routine of some focus birds indicate that Red-backed Shrikes are not particularly stressed during their non-breeding time in South Africa. A behaviour-based analysis discriminates bush-shrikes from the Lanius species and other sit-and-wait hunters. Interactions occur mainly between the three Lanius species and the Marico Flycatcher Melaenornis mariquensis. Among these sit-and-wait hunters, dominance seems to depend not primarily on African or Palaearctic provenience, but mainly on specific aggressiveness and size. Co-existence between the four syntopic species is facilitated by distinct niche differences.
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